Hi, I’m Dr Robyn Curtis, DAC.

It is an absolute privilege to provide care as a TCM practitioner. I deeply believe in finding the right tool for the job and treating each situation as a unique one; we are all different, isn’t that beautiful?

After graduating from Bastyr University in 2009, I spent two years on cruise ships, owned a community clinic, and was offered a position at Whatcom Hospice where I spent over 11 years learning about how healing goes deeper than resolving pain

I love cooking, being outdoors, attempting to garden, and spending time with my partner and our adorable mutt.

I look forward to working together.

In health,


My Approach

As it turns out, I’m fairly wimpy and prefer to avoid pain. I feel this puts me in a great position to provide care using tools that can be wielded gently and with compassion. With my unique history treating a variety of people and conditions from around the world, I feel it has helped to be open and humble in my approach to care.


Doctorate in Acupuncture from Five Branches University

Master of Science and Acupuncture from Bastyr University

Massage Therapy graduate from Bellevue Massage

Bachelor of Science from Bastyr University

Associate of Science from Whatcom Community College

Licenses and Certifications:

Licensed Acupuncturist in Washington State

Licensed Massage Therapist

Nationally certified through NCCAOM

Certified in Point Injection Therapy

Certified in Hospice and Palliative Care

Certified in NADA protocol

Trained in Microneedling and facial rejuvenation